Sunday, January 3, 2010

My New Years Resolution

I am fully aware now that my blog name is a little outdated. I called it Masculism09 because I guess I was a little short-sighted. I didn't realize that I would still be writing this 7 months after I started it. But here we are in 2010 and I find myself busier than ever. It's kind of nice to know that people have read the posts and brought up several issues to me that I've wanted to discuss here. I thank everyone for reading and I would ask yet again that you encourage your family and friends to do the same.

Now I have never really been one to make a lot of big new year's resolutions. It always seems that we make plans to change our lives somehow and at the end of the calendar year we are almost exactly where we started. This is not to say that there aren't benefits to making resolutions but I think to set goals for an arbitrary 12 month period is a little silly. I believe that the best they can do, most of the time, is to show us what exactly our priorities are at that given moment. It is in that spirit that I am indeed making one of my first resolutions in quite some time.

Let me start out by saying that I certainly have goals in both my personal and professional lives for the coming year. I see some things in my life that are in need of SERIOUS correction and I intend to put time into making them so. However, this blog concerns topics and my personal views on the men's rights movement and my part in it. Given that this is an area of importance in my life, it only seems fitting that I should make a resolution based on it.

While I am very pleased that so many have read my blog and taken part in some of the discussions, I would like to expand my efforts a bit further. Increasing awareness on a grand scale requires a lot of time and money that I simply don't have right now. But there is little stopping me from making progress on a smaller scale here at home. I would hope that I am at least able to stir up some local awareness and maybe even activism in my area.

Therefore, as of today I am officially announcing my intentions to found the Hudson Valley Men's Rights Coalition. That's right. I will start my very own men's rights activism group right here in the the Mid-Hudson Valley region of New York. My goal will be to have a bi-weekly meeting at a local establishment for the purposes of discussing bot local and national men's rights issues. The HVMRC will work with other groups including Fathers & Families to debate and hopefully to affect change on the problems affecting men specifically today. If you would like an example of any of these you can simply read any of my past entries.

I haven't made any specific plans yet and as always I will welcome other opinions on how I should go about it. Even if you don't like the name. Let me know what you think it should be and we can make that our first order of business! I hope you will all help me along in what could be quite a fun endeavor for those interested in our cause.

The Hudson Valley Men's Rights Coalition: All are welcome!~~STEVE