Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On MALE ABORTION (Pt 1: Questionnaire)

I made a decision a few days ago that 4 months is far too long to go without posting a new entry if this is indeed something I am serious about. I apologize to those of you who have liked reading my entries and who seem to enjoy debating the topics raised with me either online or in person. I assure you I have enjoyed it as much if not more. I have also made the decision that a post that is 2 months in the making better damn well be worth it. With that in mind, I have chosen what I have found to be the most controversial belief of many masculists and men's rights groups... MALE ABORTION!

Unfortunately, I have run into some serious issues with the whole debate. The main issue I found is that the whole topic is simply monstrous! When we are discussing reproductive rights there are certainly a lot of opinions and subtopics with their own debates. I'm certain we could debate these issues for hours on end but instead of just throwing out my own views I will ask for yours. Yup, I finally start blogging again after months of absence and I'm asking my readers to do the writing. I really do just need to get some idea of where to go with this. Please help me!

I am going to just list some quick questions and hope for some genuine responses just to get the ball rolling a bit. Answer as many or as few as you feel like. Thanks in advance....

1.) Should a man have any say in whether or not a pregnant woman chooses to have a baby? Should he be able to have her carry the pregnancy full term even if she wants an abortion?

2.) If a man decides he does not want to be a parent after impregnating a woman, should he be allowed to abdicate all rights and responsibilities to the child? (ie. no visitation, no child support. nothing!)

3.) Should a man be financially liable for part or all of the cost of a woman's abortion if she so decides? If he is morally opposed to abortion, does that change things?

4.) Do you believe men should always have to pay child support? How about if the woman becomes pregnant through manipulation or deceit?

5.) Is contraception a man's duty? Should a man be morally obligated to use latex condoms because they are cheaper and have less side effects than, say, the birth control pill?

6.) If men are allowed to abdicate all responsibilities to children and their pregnant mothers, what's to stop a man from simply spreading his seed as often as he chooses?

7.) AND THIS ONE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT!... Men and women ARE biologically different? Given that fact, is there an equitable solution? Is the current system fair?

It's a lot I know. I really just appreciate any help I can get here. I'm looking for ALL opinions and not just the ones you think I will agree with. Thanks.